Bullied Boy Dies after School Fight

By Elizabeth Fernandez

A 12-year-old boy, named Bailey O’Neill, just died on Sunday, March 3, after being in a medically induced coma. Bailey had gotten in a school fight on January 10 at Darby Township School in Upper Darby, Pa. He allegedly was jumped by two of his classmates; one of them fractured his nose. His father, Rob O’Neill, spoke to ABCNews.com about what had happened to his son: “It was an altercation in the schoolyard where a kid wanted to fight my son and my son wanted to walk away. One boy pushed Bailey into the kid (who wanted to fight him). That kid then hit him in the face, then hit his head on the ground. One pushed him into the kid, then the other kid did the rest of the work.” Bailey had hit his head during the altercation, giving him a concussion. From then on his father noticed something seemed wrong with his 11 year old. He was not feeling good and he was very irritable, that’s when they found out he had a concussion. A week and a half later he began having seizures. He was taking to a hospital where he was placed in the medically induced coma. He turned 12 on March 2 and was taken off of life support Sunday Morning. His father thanked everyone for their support and prayers on the Facebook page Building Hope for Bailey.

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