The Pope Resigns!

By Jacob Dickey

It is officially, Pope Benedict XVI is resigning. The pope is the leader of the Roman Catholic Church, and is a widely respected religious figure. He has said that he is resignation due to his deteriorating health and strength. While speaking on this matter he was quoted as saying: “[I am] well aware of the seriousness of this act, [and] with full freedom I declare that I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter… [I have] recognize[d] my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me”. Many were shocked by the recent revelation of the recent papal resignation. There has not been a papal rsignation in nearly seven centuries. Deliberation by the cardinals on his successor will begin in early March. While we are all sad to see him go, we know he is doing what God wants him to do. His resignation will take place at 1:00 ET on 28 February 2013. Make sure to tune in.

Valentine’s Day

By Mike Ravas

Ahh, yes. Valentine’s day is just around the corner, but I really don’t care for this day. Now you may be asking yourself, Mike, why do you hate Valentine’s Day? I want you to think about this for a minute, why are we glorifying one day to show our love for a special someone? Shouldn’t we show our love everyday we are in a relationship, not just for one day of the year? This is the problem with America today, we have a 50% divorce rate in this country, and unfortunately I have been plagued with this. Let me ask why is the divorce rate so high? Could it be that couples aren’t in love anymore? I mean think about it, why else would 1 in every 2 marriages end. Could a reason be we don’t know the true meaning of love anymore? I mean if we loved our wife or husband everyday like how we do on Valentine’s Day, don’t you think we this country would be better off? I mean it just baffles me that two people could hate each other while being married, but on one day we just forget about everything. That is the garbage that is running marriage, such a sacred thing, into the ground.